ErnasGarden: Sankt Knuds Vej, marts 2006
ErnasGarden: at this point it looked a bit hopeless
ErnasGarden: Hidden behind old kitchen tables
ErnasGarden: Hopefully they know what they're doing
ErnasGarden: Home of Jem&Fix
ErnasGarden: The morning coffee place
ErnasGarden: What a mess
ErnasGarden: A garden when it was no garden
ErnasGarden: I see a nice spot on its way
ErnasGarden: Picture 826
ErnasGarden: Picture 823
ErnasGarden: What used to be my livingroom
ErnasGarden: Omfangsdræn.....
ErnasGarden: Old garden
ErnasGarden: cosy garden
ErnasGarden: Spot Heidis grill ;o)
ErnasGarden: Tannis baby tøj og Hannes dukketøj ;o) nu i sol
ErnasGarden: Sankt Knuds vej by night... and water