sacqueboutier: Hello there, Little Tom!
sacqueboutier: A healthy tomato plant.
sacqueboutier: First bell pepper.
sacqueboutier: Just finished planting "The Back Forty". Tomatoes. Zucchini. Cherry tomatoes. Cucumbers. Bell peppers. Assorted herbs to include cilantro, thyme, sage, rosemary, oregano, parsley, and basil.
sacqueboutier: Cucumber plant from seeds. Growing nicely.
sacqueboutier: I have three zucchini vines. I know we shouldn't have favorites but this one is mine.
sacqueboutier: Future sweet red pepper.
sacqueboutier: Good morning, my little cherry tomato.
sacqueboutier: Cherry tomato seedling.
sacqueboutier: Basil is doing well.
sacqueboutier: Cilantro. I see fresh salsa in my future.
sacqueboutier: Sweet sage. Sweet sweet sage.
sacqueboutier: Wibbly wobbly thymey wimey stuff.
sacqueboutier: Rosemary. Great on grilled salmon.
sacqueboutier: Oregano. Or origami. One of those two.
sacqueboutier: We have our first zucchini bloom.
sacqueboutier: Zucchini bloom, day two.
sacqueboutier: Update in the deck garden.
sacqueboutier: Update in the deck garden.
sacqueboutier: Update in the deck garden.
sacqueboutier: Update in the deck garden.
sacqueboutier: Update in the deck garden.
sacqueboutier: Update in the deck garden.
sacqueboutier: Update in the deck garden.
sacqueboutier: I think this one is ready.