dajavous: Queen's Scnce Newark - Interior Detail IMG_0965
dajavous: Queens Sconce Newark From SW Bastion IMG_0966
dajavous: Queen's Sconce From SW Bastion Looking East IMG_0972
dajavous: Queen's Sconce View North IMG_0979
dajavous: Newark Queen's Sconce - From NE Corner Looking West IMG_0982
dajavous: Queen's Sconce Newark Information Board IMG_0983
dajavous: Clampe's Siege Map from Queen's Sconce Information Panel, Devon Park Newark IMG_0984
dajavous: Diagram of Queen's Sconce Newark from Information Board IMG_0986
dajavous: IMG_0959_stitch
dajavous: IMG_0968_stitch
dajavous: IMG_0974_stitch
dajavous: Queen's Sconce The SE Bastion and Ditch IMG_0952
dajavous: Queen's Sconce Newark Arrow Shaped Bastion IMG_0953
dajavous: Queen's Sconce - The New Footbridge IMG_0954
dajavous: Queen's Sconce Newark, Looking North from the New Bridge IMG_0955
dajavous: Queen's Sconce - SE Bastion from the Bridge IMG_0956
dajavous: Queen's Sconce Steel Cannon Looking West IMG_0960
dajavous: The Steel Cannon and New Foorbridge Queen's Sconce Newark IMG_0961
dajavous: Newark Queen Sconce - Royal Cannon by M Condron 2012 IMG_0962
dajavous: IMG_0963
dajavous: Queens Sconce Newark from SW Corner IMG_0940_stitch
dajavous: Newark Queen's Sconce from South IMG_0944_stitch
dajavous: Queen's Sconce Newark the SE Corner and Ditch IMG_0949_stitch
dajavous: Queen's Sconce Newark from Outside of the SE Bastion IMG_0950_stitch