dajavous: Whatton Church adj IMG_4966
dajavous: Whatton S-aisle E-Window Exterior adj IMG_4967
dajavous: Whatton Church History Page1 IMG_5037
dajavous: Whatton Church History Pg2 IMG_5038
dajavous: Whatton Church History Pg3 IMG_5039
dajavous: Whatton Church History Pg4 IMG_5040
dajavous: Whatton Church History Pg5 IMG_5041
dajavous: Whatton Church History Pg 6 IMG_5042
dajavous: Whatton Burne-Jones Information Board adj IMG_1261
dajavous: Whatton in the Vale Burne-Jones Window 1878 IMG_1267adj
dajavous: Whatton in the vale Burne-Jones Musical Angels IMG_4969
dajavous: Whatton in the Vale Burne-Jones St Peter adj IMG_4981
dajavous: Whatton in the Vale Burne-Jones Christ adj IMG_4983
dajavous: Whatton in the Vale Burne Jones St John adj IMG_4982
dajavous: Whatton Burne-Jones Musical Angel adj2 IMG_4986
dajavous: Whatton Burne-Jones Musical Angel adj IMG_4986
dajavous: Whatton Burne-Jones Musical Angel adj IMG_4985
dajavous: Whatton Burne-Jones Musical Angel adj IMG_4984
dajavous: Whatton in the Vale Burne-Jones scene 1878 IMG_4970 adj
dajavous: Whatton in the Vale Burne-Jones scene 1878 IMG_4971 adj
dajavous: Whatton in the Vale Burne-Jones scene 1878 IMG_4972 adj
dajavous: Whatton Church Sir Richard de Whatton Plaque IMG1263 adj
dajavous: Whatton Church Sir Richard de Whatton adj IMG_4991
dajavous: Whatton Church "Richard de Whatton" IMG_4992
dajavous: Tomb of Sir Richard de Whatton adj IMG_4995
dajavous: Whatton Sir Hugh de Newmarche adj IMG_5016
dajavous: Whatton Hugh de Newmarche Information Board adj IMG_5015
dajavous: Whatton Font adj IMG_4997
dajavous: Whatton Village Cross Information Board adj IMG_4993
dajavous: Portion of Whatton Village Cross adj IMG_4989