potterau: Kookaburra, checking if there are any treats
potterau: Ah Kookaburras
potterau: Ah Kookaburras
potterau: Grevillea (prostrate)
potterau: Struggling sapling (gone Lomo?)
potterau: Gum Flowering
potterau: Banksia
potterau: Lamp
potterau: Clinging to life
potterau: Grevillea
potterau: Grevillea, emerging flower
potterau: Native Orchid, beside Bush Track
potterau: Lavender blue, dilly-dilly…
potterau: New Growth
potterau: Quiet, and Wild
potterau: Grass Trees
potterau: Path swept before me
potterau: Banksia II
potterau: Burn off
potterau: A certain gentleness
potterau: American design II
potterau: Looking South