davemc500hats: Dueling Eyebrows
davemc500hats: O'Google Media
davemc500hats: smile
davemc500hats: Tim reading Sarah's cliff notes
davemc500hats: howard rheingold
davemc500hats: foo crowd
davemc500hats: foo crowd
davemc500hats: foo crowd
davemc500hats: foo crowd
davemc500hats: Happy as a Clam
davemc500hats: a little vc talk. *really* little.
davemc500hats: tarsier statue
davemc500hats: Halfbaked Pauls
davemc500hats: Werewolf, or Villager?
davemc500hats: just a villager. (arrrooooo!)
davemc500hats: Peace to all Bloggers
davemc500hats: Windswept Tara
davemc500hats: You Shoulda Seen the Geek that Got Away
davemc500hats: James & Paul
davemc500hats: that's me.
davemc500hats: Half-Baked: Entrepreneurial Improv Theatre