davemc500hats: TailRank LobbyCon
davemc500hats: Your Attention Please
davemc500hats: MultiTouch UI
davemc500hats: MultiTouch UI
davemc500hats: MultiTouch UI
davemc500hats: Advertising Advertising
davemc500hats: busy having an ITConversation
davemc500hats: He Shoots, He Scores!
davemc500hats: continuous partial attention, as in half
davemc500hats: Second Wife
davemc500hats: Crazy Delicious Karma
davemc500hats: DabbleLogsInc
davemc500hats: Jason CapoteCanis
davemc500hats: Greased Pilgrim
davemc500hats: and now for something completely different.
davemc500hats: Yahoo Application Gallery: One Page to Rule Them All, One Page to Find Them...
davemc500hats: Yahoo Application Gallery
davemc500hats: We got yer APIs right *here*, buddy...
davemc500hats: Developer.Yahoo.Net + Martinis = Par-tay
davemc500hats: that's *mr* evangelist to you, bub.
davemc500hats: ba-da-bing!
davemc500hats: Etech Evangelism
davemc500hats: Ambient Morvability
davemc500hats: MicroTechnoRati
davemc500hats: MicroMonkey? GreaseFormats?
davemc500hats: trout smile
davemc500hats: Renkoo 2 u 2 baby
davemc500hats: Stop! in the Name of [geek] Love
davemc500hats: Attention All Werewolves...
davemc500hats: SmirkingSquid