Lall: DSCN2062
Lall: Reading and relaxing
Lall: Two much!
Lall: Best Friend
Lall: Scat! I don't like you!
Lall: Harnessing
Lall: On the phone...
Lall: The frenzy of shoe shopping
Lall: Malou meet Cruella, Cruella meet Malou
Lall: My choice
Lall: Malou at the Apple Store
Lall: San Marco
Lall: Pigeons
Lall: Malou
Lall: Hugging her close
Lall: Snacking...
Lall: Let's wrestle
Lall: Jumping Jack
Lall: Hold me steady
Lall: Purple delight
Lall: Malou and her purple bokeh
Lall: Gleeful
Lall: Malou with her purple bokeh
Lall: We all scream for ice cream
Lall: Blue Ponchos
Lall: Jumping
Lall: Soaking wet
Lall: Enjoyment
Lall: Malou hamming it up with Awuah
Lall: Giant tennis ball