cooleye: City Hall, philadelphia
cooleye: Sharp corner building everwhere
cooleye: Sunset
cooleye: ZZZ...
cooleye: Look over here!
cooleye: Sixth floor museum, where Lee Harvey Oswell shot JFK, on the sixth floor of course
cooleye: I've got a train to catch!
cooleye: Autumn building
cooleye: County of Ellis in Waxahachie, Texas
cooleye: Downtown Denver
cooleye: Downtown Detroit
cooleye: All the way to chinatown
cooleye: TAXI!!!
cooleye: Empire state (iPhone+tiltshiftgen+earlybird)
cooleye: Princeton uni
cooleye: City hall
cooleye: NYC
cooleye: I want what she's having...
cooleye: Gotham city.. Well close enough
cooleye: Don't cross here