Mondo Tiki Man:
I love clean, modern lines.
Mondo Tiki Man:
I love clean, modern lines.
Mondo Tiki Man:
I've always liked this little power building. Clean, utilitarian design. Would make a nice pavilion.
Mondo Tiki Man:
Perot Museum
Mondo Tiki Man:
Perot Museum
Mondo Tiki Man:
Perot Museum
Mondo Tiki Man:
Perot Museum
Mondo Tiki Man:
@HeatherDuck13 We were in the rafters...still, view wasn't bad.
Mondo Tiki Man:
Outside the Winspear. We're seeing The Book of Mormon tonight.
Mondo Tiki Man:
Wylie Theater in the evening sun.
Mondo Tiki Man:
Question...shouldn't control joints go all the way down? #architecture
Mondo Tiki Man:
Helping @bobborson & realizing there's a reason I haven't drawn CD's in over 5 years...
Mondo Tiki Man:
Colorado History Museum - last tour of the day #aia2013
Mondo Tiki Man:
Convention Center Lobby #aia2013
Mondo Tiki Man:
Convention Center #aia2013
Mondo Tiki Man:
Denver #aia2013
Mondo Tiki Man:
Urban #multifamily
Mondo Tiki Man:
Denver Justice Center #aia2013
Mondo Tiki Man:
Convention Center #aia2013
Mondo Tiki Man:
Convention Center Parking #aia2013
Mondo Tiki Man:
DPAC #aia2013
Mondo Tiki Man:
David Adjaye's Museum of Contemporary Architecture #aia2013
Mondo Tiki Man:
Mondo Tiki Man:
Mondo Tiki Man:
Mondo Tiki Man:
Mondo Tiki Man:
Mondo Tiki Man:
Mondo Tiki Man:
@archy_type got me thinking on Lebbeus Woods. This is a pic of my first employer [center] when he was in a firm with Leb [right] in the 60s.