Mondo Tiki Man:
And in FIRST PLACE.....Insidious! (I always win)
Mondo Tiki Man:
Second place....Pumpkin Sweetie!
Mondo Tiki Man:
Mondo Tiki Man:
We have a tie for's the Russian doll pumpkins and...
Mondo Tiki Man:
Ready for the Halloween party. We are anonymous. We are legion. Expect us.
Mondo Tiki Man:
Hey neighborfriend...gotta admit...your yard...that's pretty terrifying.
Mondo Tiki Man:
I believe Yog-Sothoth has returned...
Mondo Tiki Man:
October moon.
Mondo Tiki Man:
@npann @StevenDJordan The consumer shouldn't be afraid of Apple. Apple should be afraid of the consumer.
Mondo Tiki Man:
Mondo Tiki Man:
I won. But not by much. This stupid thing almost beat me.
Mondo Tiki Man:
Insane clown pumpkin.
Mondo Tiki Man:
The pumpkin competition is on!
Mondo Tiki Man:
Why be normal?
Mondo Tiki Man:
@SigmundBloom Mark it zero!
Mondo Tiki Man:
Me & @tjsharp1970 as Walter & the Dude...
Mondo Tiki Man:
Kreepy enough for the kiddies?
Mondo Tiki Man:
Working on cut-outs for a bean bag toss for the kids at the party tonight
Mondo Tiki Man:
Who needs to buy Halloween decorations from a store?