ibbsy: Outside the Kennedy School (our hotel) in Portland
ibbsy: Graeme and Malcolm in Portland
ibbsy: Shameless advertising on the bus, Portland
ibbsy: Birds nes room, Kennedy School, Portland
ibbsy: Birds nes room, Kennedy School, Portland
ibbsy: Bootsy outside the Kennedy School, Portland
ibbsy: Scrub jay, Portland
ibbsy: Scrub jay, Portland (close up)
ibbsy: The beer garden's fireplace, Kennedy School, Portland
ibbsy: Bootsy
ibbsy: Malcolm Ruraidh Mathieson, 6 months
ibbsy: Graeme and Malcolm
ibbsy: Malcolm trying melon
ibbsy: Bootsys first aquarium, OMSI, Portland
ibbsy: Bootsys first aquarium, OMSI, Portland
ibbsy: Aparantly purple tasyes best, OMSI, Portland
ibbsy: testing dinosaurs, OMSI, Portland
ibbsy: Bootsy by the river, Portland
ibbsy: Bootsy sneezing by the river, Portland
ibbsy: Bootsy by the river, Portland
ibbsy: Niña replica, Portland
ibbsy: Boiled Eagle, Oregon Zoo
ibbsy: Sleeping otter, Oregon Zoo
ibbsy: Bootsy eating pancake
ibbsy: What we did in Portland
ibbsy: The cabin, Mt. St Helens
ibbsy: The cabin, Mt. St Helens
ibbsy: The cabin, Mt. St Helens
ibbsy: The cabin, Mt. St Helens
ibbsy: On our way to see Mt. St Helens