4th State: Bronze door detail
4th State: Fancy Brass Door detail
4th State: Butcher Hood copper plated
4th State: Copper Plated Bar Canopy
4th State: BAKED Blackened Steel Cake display
4th State: Barcade Sign
4th State: Bednardz Staircase Railing
4th State: Blackened Steel Staircase
4th State: Half-Sphere Copper Plated Hood
4th State: Three's Brewing Giant Tower Tap
4th State: Tom Cappa glass staircase
4th State: Threes Brewery Wall Planters
4th State: unknown railing detail 2015
4th State: unknown staircase 2015
4th State: Philly Market St Marquee
4th State: Glass Spiral Staircase
4th State: 460 Shelves
4th State: 20160223_085236
4th State: 20160223_085146
4th State: 20160223_085055
4th State: 20160223_084953
4th State: 20160223_084835 (1)
4th State: Copper Installed
4th State: Custom Bar Back Shelving
4th State: Custom Zinc Bar and Front Detail
4th State: Custom Steel and Glass Partition
4th State: Rolling Back Bar and Tap Tower
4th State: Custom Tables, Benches, and Fence
4th State: Custom Tables, Benches, and Fence
4th State: Custom Tap Tower