4th State: 1-28-09 026
4th State: sunset at the shop
4th State: Mike Talley, looking mean as ever
4th State: Meat ahoy!
4th State: Mummm...
4th State: oh yeah....
4th State: Sprinkle, drizzle, repeat.
4th State: chop chop chop
4th State: Albert Zugger
4th State: Bro Bra!
4th State: Ladies and the clamp
4th State: Mmmm!
4th State: The bikes, smoke and porta john
4th State: 2 stroke grill?
4th State: Money shot
4th State: new grill was worth it!
4th State: Yes el capitan!!
4th State: Tom and company
4th State: here, eat this jeff
4th State: I will spank this meat!!!
4th State: Wiggy heaven
4th State: typical button
4th State: wowzer!
4th State: come on to my grill, little chicky
4th State: Jeff eats all!
4th State: Marky wife, looking good!