Matthias.Kahrs: Rallenreiher (Ardeola ralloides)
Rebecca Bloomwood: Amo i tacchi
Joanne 1967 (2): IMG_2969 Tufted Duck
Joanne 1967 (2): IMG_2955 Tufted Duck
Joanne 1967 (2): IMG_ Paris 37-1
Joanne 1967 (2): IMG_Paris 2-1
ralph&dot: West Hartlepool Docks before 1955
mirjanasesar: Layers / Schichten
mirjanasesar: Verschlungen
jirka.zapalka: Biokovo
Astrobobo: Beritnica beach by night
Mladen Perić: Bledsko jezero
taipan_pl: Dubrovnik, Croatia
ristic.vedran42: The Sunset and the Watermill
Defence Imagery: Black & White winners in the 2017 Army Photographic Competition
Defence Imagery: Black & White winners in the 2017 Army Photographic Competition
Tony Armstrong-Sly: Trees at Dawn
Alucardo: Adeline
Nana Rita: PICT1101
Nana Rita: img120
Nana Rita: img120 (2)