4MuddyPaws: And relax...
4MuddyPaws: Shiny and new
4MuddyPaws: Sunshine through my window
4MuddyPaws: Tiles
4MuddyPaws: It's been a long day
4MuddyPaws: Matches!
4MuddyPaws: Forks
4MuddyPaws: Plop!
4MuddyPaws: Kitchen half
4MuddyPaws: Dining room half
4MuddyPaws: The Beast
4MuddyPaws: Surprise!
4MuddyPaws: Take Away not Cooking, Take Away not Cooking, Take Away not Cooking...
4MuddyPaws: Please...
4MuddyPaws: Window Dressing
4MuddyPaws: Temptation
4MuddyPaws: Poor me
4MuddyPaws: Happy New Year!
4MuddyPaws: It must be something in the water?
4MuddyPaws: Yup! Definitely something in the water... or maybe it's in the wine??
4MuddyPaws: Whats Cooking?
4MuddyPaws: Dot the i
4MuddyPaws: Driiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip!
4MuddyPaws: Dobbin
4MuddyPaws: Dobbin and his friends!
4MuddyPaws: Cheers!
4MuddyPaws: Homemade jam on homemade scones... yum!
4MuddyPaws: Yup... more jam!
4MuddyPaws: Pound for a Hound Appeal
4MuddyPaws: Another Dobbin Joins the Stable