Dahrth: Girl watching TV
Dahrth: Sidewalk & road
Dahrth: Tenth Ave
Dahrth: Tramp asleep
Dahrth: Stop
Dahrth: Flammable no smoking
Dahrth: Pause lecture
Dahrth: Echafaudage
Dahrth: Beau Rivage Noir
Dahrth: Promeneur solitaire
Dahrth: Jeune femme allongée dans l'obscurité
Dahrth: Under the bridge
Dahrth: Sleepy Tommy
Dahrth: Skyscrapers
Dahrth: Attentif
Dahrth: Miroir
Dahrth: Capuche
Dahrth: Café Otten
Dahrth: Baby in her stroller
Dahrth: A man and his dog