photos4dreams: sookie at merlotte's ("I'm just a waitress")
photos4dreams: what would Sookie do ?
photos4dreams: "when you came in the air went out..."
photos4dreams: one TRUE BLOOD B+ comin' right up!
photos4dreams: sookie selfie
photos4dreams: sookie stackhouse
photos4dreams: sookie at lafayette's
photos4dreams: lafayette's home
photos4dreams: you is always welcome in my house, Sookie!
photos4dreams: sookie !
photos4dreams: barbie turning into sookie
photos4dreams: sookie's visit
photos4dreams: lafayette praying
photos4dreams: lafayette's room
photos4dreams: lafayette and his altar
photos4dreams: helena & lafayette out in the snow
photos4dreams: the king of the party
photos4dreams: lafayette going rasta
photos4dreams: lafayette photoshoot
photos4dreams: lafayette portrait
photos4dreams: oh that wind, darlings !!
photos4dreams: be my valentine
photos4dreams: oh happy day !
photos4dreams: hellooo dollies !!
photos4dreams: hairy dudes
photos4dreams: lafayette loves trolls
photos4dreams: be still my beating heart
photos4dreams: that's a cool bed you've got, kay
photos4dreams: lafayette's new wig