rightthewrong: Spring to the left of me, winter to the right
rightthewrong: 1.4" of fresh snow
rightthewrong: MWAR Stage Office June 2nd
rightthewrong: Spring greens
rightthewrong: Waiting for the moon
rightthewrong: Full Strawberry Moon
rightthewrong: TCU's at sunrise
rightthewrong: A snowy sunrise in June
rightthewrong: Old Speck Mountain, ME at sunrise
rightthewrong: Shift change view of Pinkham Notch
rightthewrong: Sunset through intermittent fog
rightthewrong: Sunset and Mt Clay/Jefferson through intermittent fog
rightthewrong: Patchy fog just below at sunrise
rightthewrong: Sunset - northern view
rightthewrong: Sunset - southern view
rightthewrong: Fresh Rime Ice on June 13th
rightthewrong: Fresh Rime Ice on June 13th
rightthewrong: Moth coated in rime
rightthewrong: Patchy fog during golden hour
rightthewrong: Pondicherry and the Green Mountains at sunset
rightthewrong: Sunday sunrise
rightthewrong: A male and female Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (butterfly)
rightthewrong: Sunset from the top of Nelson Crag Trail
rightthewrong: First light on the eastern snow field
rightthewrong: Clouds blocking the moon
rightthewrong: A sunrise last week
rightthewrong: Developing thunderstorm at sunset
rightthewrong: Developing thunderstorm at sunset
rightthewrong: Developing thunderstorm at sunset
rightthewrong: Developing thunderstorm at sunset