rightthewrong: Whiteout on the commute
rightthewrong: A film crew if 4 obscured by blowing snow
rightthewrong: Making angels
rightthewrong: NHSP heading back to the base
rightthewrong: Bottom of 5-mile
rightthewrong: Whiteout conditions
rightthewrong: Blowing snow
rightthewrong: Lower part of my weekly commute
rightthewrong: Descending the mountain
rightthewrong: Film crew recording the snowcat coming up
rightthewrong: The start of day of attempting to get to work
rightthewrong: Blowing snow at 4500 ft
rightthewrong: Blowing snow and clouds flowing over Nelson Crag
rightthewrong: Opposing lines
rightthewrong: Stacks on stacks on stacks
rightthewrong: Preparing to ascend
rightthewrong: A moment of clarity
rightthewrong: A moment of clarity
rightthewrong: Comparison - headwaters of Feather River near flood stage - top July 2015 bottom 7 Feb 2017
rightthewrong: Comparison - headwaters of Feather River near flood stage - top July 2015 bottom 7 Feb 2017
rightthewrong: I want to believe
rightthewrong: Sunset 8 Feb 2017
rightthewrong: Fur-casting assistant
rightthewrong: Penumbral lunar eclipse
rightthewrong: Looking up mountain
rightthewrong: Chest deep in powder
rightthewrong: Summit building
rightthewrong: Mt Adams
rightthewrong: Mt Clay and Jefferson and the Great Gulf
rightthewrong: Crossing Cow Pasture