rightthewrong: Tonight's menu at work
rightthewrong: Flying over NYC at night
rightthewrong: Carved wooden man
rightthewrong: Twisted
rightthewrong: Seems uncomfortable
rightthewrong: Looking down the staircase
rightthewrong: Ninja Santa Christmas "Sweater" Tee
rightthewrong: Houston, TX from above
rightthewrong: Mt Washington in the distance
rightthewrong: Boston from above
rightthewrong: Taking off with downtown Boston on the horizon
rightthewrong: The icing line in the notch
rightthewrong: Glaze ice all around
rightthewrong: Lots of bare pavement
rightthewrong: A slushy ride down
rightthewrong: The writings on the wall....
rightthewrong: Spurs vs Hawks basketball
rightthewrong: Looks like a wall.
rightthewrong: Hockey!
rightthewrong: First, biggest, most
rightthewrong: A Texas afternoon.
rightthewrong: Castle Island Park, MA
rightthewrong: The hotel view
rightthewrong: Old State House tonight.
rightthewrong: Fairbanks Museum
rightthewrong: Milkweed seeds
rightthewrong: Banded Woolybear
rightthewrong: Banded Woolybear
rightthewrong: Banded Woolybear