rightthewrong: First sunset of February 2015
rightthewrong: Aurora Borealis 1 Feb 2015
rightthewrong: T-lapse of the night sky
rightthewrong: Undercast @ moonset
rightthewrong: 3 cairns at sunset
rightthewrong: 421 Seconds of undercast
rightthewrong: 301 seconds of undercast
rightthewrong: Through the safety glass
rightthewrong: Breakfast Bear
rightthewrong: Winter is terrifying!!!
rightthewrong: Selfie by Coldbrook Falls
rightthewrong: Summer vs Winter
rightthewrong: Summer vs Winter comparison 2
rightthewrong: Ground blizzard on Mt Washington
rightthewrong: Freezing bubbles
rightthewrong: 2nd coldest place on Earth...
rightthewrong: Blowing snow
rightthewrong: Sunrise 16 Feb 2015
rightthewrong: Sorry to burst your bubble...
rightthewrong: Looking across the Great Gulf
rightthewrong: Fern frost on a window
rightthewrong: Appalachia, NH is somewhere under there
rightthewrong: A touch of Pileus clouds this morning
rightthewrong: Heading to work with bluebird conditions
rightthewrong: Running up that mountain
rightthewrong: Summit shrouded in fog Sunday morning.
rightthewrong: Cloud top shooter
rightthewrong: Home, work, or Hoth? I can't tell anymore!
rightthewrong: Curtain call for daylight
rightthewrong: Following my EduTrip participants up the road