rightthewrong: And off they go...
rightthewrong: Finally, some signs of Spring.
rightthewrong: A golden sunrise at Cherry Pond
rightthewrong: A bend in the path ahead!
rightthewrong: Up close and personal with Rhodora
rightthewrong: Reflections on Little Cherry Pond, NH
rightthewrong: My buddy getting his shot
rightthewrong: Deep Thoughts at Cold Brook Falls, NH
rightthewrong: Finding colour on a flat morning
rightthewrong: Watching and waiting for birds
rightthewrong: Derailed Attention
rightthewrong: Mr. & Mrs. C. Goose
rightthewrong: Lupines standing tall at sunset
rightthewrong: Lupines at the "Golden Hour"
rightthewrong: Elder Lupines surrounding the "newbies"
rightthewrong: The living among the dead
rightthewrong: Rhododendron at Little Cherry Pond
rightthewrong: A spider w/ way too much time on its "hands"
rightthewrong: Trees at a right angle
rightthewrong: Aurora Borealis 19 September 2014
rightthewrong: Aurora Borealis over NH, 19 Sept 2014
rightthewrong: Aurora Borealis over NH, 19 Sept 2014
rightthewrong: Aurora Borealis over NH, 19 Sept 2014
rightthewrong: Blue icicle
rightthewrong: Colorful spider in the basement
rightthewrong: A happy little propane tank