rightthewrong: Hoar frost on the trees
rightthewrong: Hoar frost on the trees
rightthewrong: The packs just waiting...
rightthewrong: Looking into the gray
rightthewrong: Looking towards the past
rightthewrong: Follow me...
rightthewrong: Listening to slience
rightthewrong: Watch out for swinging branches
rightthewrong: A hint of color in a world so cold
rightthewrong: Darkness from snow covered trees
rightthewrong: Mt Tom Spur trail junction
rightthewrong: Mt Tom Spur trail junction
rightthewrong: Hoar frost on the trees
rightthewrong: Hoar frost on the trees
rightthewrong: Pine Marten Tracks
rightthewrong: Snowflake on a black glove
rightthewrong: Snowflake on a black glove
rightthewrong: Two Gray Jays
rightthewrong: Grey Jay along Crawford Path
rightthewrong: Grey Jay along Crawford Path
rightthewrong: Grey Jay along Crawford Path
rightthewrong: Grey Jay along Crawford Path
rightthewrong: Grey Jay along Crawford Path
rightthewrong: Grey Jay along Crawford Path
rightthewrong: Gray Jay and Pine Marten
rightthewrong: American "Pine" Marten
rightthewrong: American "Pine" Marten
rightthewrong: American "Pine" Marten
rightthewrong: American "Pine" Marten
rightthewrong: American "Pine" Marten