rightthewrong: Great view for lunch, mister!
rightthewrong: The western view from Wildcat
rightthewrong: Some flowers near our work area.
rightthewrong: The eastern view from Wildcat
rightthewrong: A trail guide of Wildcat from the 50's
rightthewrong: Wildcat 1959
rightthewrong: Wildcat Comparison
rightthewrong: The new tower at Wildcat
rightthewrong: Heading down w/ the door open
rightthewrong: Sunset 7/22/11
rightthewrong: Lenticular taking shape
rightthewrong: Anti-crepuscular rays
rightthewrong: Lenticular taking shape
rightthewrong: Sunset 7/22/11
rightthewrong: Sunset 7/22/11
rightthewrong: CB off in the distance
rightthewrong: Lenticular over Tip Top House
rightthewrong: Sunset 7/22/11
rightthewrong: Sunset 7/22/11
rightthewrong: Lenticular 7/22/11
rightthewrong: Lenticular 7/22/11
rightthewrong: Lenticular 7/22/11
rightthewrong: Sunset 7/22/11
rightthewrong: Lenticular 7/22/11
rightthewrong: Lenticular 7/22/11
rightthewrong: Sunset 7/22/11
rightthewrong: Lenticular 7/22/11
rightthewrong: Lenticular 7/22/11
rightthewrong: Lenticular 7/22/11
rightthewrong: Lenticular 7/22/11