Pierrebo2010: A summer in Amalfi
Pierrebo2010: On the edge of diving
Pierrebo2010: Shabby yet sunny in Napoli
Pierrebo2010: Shabby yet sunny in Napoli (2)
Pierrebo2010: Nap time in Napoli
Pierrebo2010: Nap time in Napoli (2)
Pierrebo2010: Pompei
Pierrebo2010: Swiss Alps
Pierrebo2010: Swiss Alps
Pierrebo2010: Looking at Montmartre from Beaubourg
Pierrebo2010: Junk car crusing chinatown
Pierrebo2010: Somewhere near Houston St.
Pierrebo2010: Katz's Delicatessen
Pierrebo2010: Smoke and cabs and skyscrapers
Pierrebo2010: Christmas is over but the lights remain
Pierrebo2010: Time Square
Pierrebo2010: Time Square
Pierrebo2010: Behing the bricks the Hudson and Jersey
Pierrebo2010: Bucolic New-York City
Pierrebo2010: Wink from a nearby building
Pierrebo2010: The light stayed yellow...
Pierrebo2010: View from the breakfast table
Pierrebo2010: Warm light on a cold day
Pierrebo2010: Looking at the Queens
Pierrebo2010: NYC at dawn
Pierrebo2010: Crossing the river