J-Pierre.Pola: On the morning of day one... RW1
J-Pierre.Pola: The lake of the Rue de Vaugirard. RW2
J-Pierre.Pola: The imprisoned sea... RW3
J-Pierre.Pola: But we had to go. And walk towards winter. RW4
J-Pierre.Pola: Your naked feet. RW6
J-Pierre.Pola: Etre. Silencieux. Fragile. RW7
J-Pierre.Pola: Etre. Solitaire. Unique. RW8
J-Pierre.Pola: Our memories will be nothing but dreams... RW9
J-Pierre.Pola: King of France François 1st and I, wish you many, many beautiful weeks to come until... next Roid Week! RW10