jayahimsa: jay in front of "plants in a cage"
jayahimsa: jay taking bamboo pic
jayahimsa: resistance of a leaf with scratch board
jayahimsa: scratch board next to other break out boards
jayahimsa: evelyn working
jayahimsa: jay working
jayahimsa: banana and plants as sensors
jayahimsa: jay and evelyn
jayahimsa: jay and evelyn
jayahimsa: scratch board fun
jayahimsa: clawVelyn
jayahimsa: jay taking bamboo (angle 2)
jayahimsa: jay with "living wall" of plants
jayahimsa: near the "plant cages" the floor is bolted down
jayahimsa: J.B. up close
jayahimsa: jay at the doors at palace of tokyo
jayahimsa: arrival