(joan): Hungry Birds
(joan): Common Redpoll and Goldfinch
(joan): Goldfinches at the feeder
(joan): Cardinal in tree
(joan): Cranes overhead
(joan): Crane Art
(joan): Caspian Tern at marina in St. Ignace, Michigan
(joan): Common Tern
(joan): South Haven Lighthouse
(joan): Geese and Ducks and Swans
(joan): Pair of Geese
(joan): Rose-Breasted Grosbeak
(joan): White Crowned Sparrow
(joan): Rose-Breasted Grosbeak in the plum tree
(joan): Sandhill Cranes
(joan): Hawk
(joan): Mallard Ducks
(joan): Ring Billed Gulls on the rail
(joan): American Coot
(joan): Caught me taking his picture
(joan): Robin under tree
(joan): Grackle
(joan): Goldfinch
(joan): Baltimore Oriole
(joan): House Finch
(joan): House Sparrow
(joan): Cowbird
(joan): Hummingbird feeder
(joan): Canada Geese and family
(joan): White Crowned Sparrow