Beetles in the Bush: Euhagena nebraskae (a clearwing moth)
Beetles in the Bush: Trachyrhinus favosus (a harvestman)
Beetles in the Bush: Trachyrhinus favosus (a harvestman)
Beetles in the Bush: Cicindela nebraskana (prairie long-lipped tiger beetle)
Beetles in the Bush: Cicindela nebraskana (prairie long-lipped tiger beetle)
Beetles in the Bush: Cicindela nebraskana (prairie long-lipped tiger beetle)
Beetles in the Bush: Litaneutria minor (agile ground mantid)
Beetles in the Bush: Cicindela tranquebarica kirbyi (Kirby's oblique-lined tiger beetle)
Beetles in the Bush: Cicindela tranquebarica kirbyi (Kirby's oblique-lined tiger beetle)
Beetles in the Bush: Dry alkaline creek, Oglala National Grasslands
Beetles in the Bush: Cicindela tranquebarica kirbyi (Kirby's oblique-lined tiger beetle)
Beetles in the Bush: Cicindela lengi lengi (blowout tiger beetle)
Beetles in the Bush: Cicindela lengi lengi (blowout tiger beetle)
Beetles in the Bush: Cicindela lengi lengi (blowout tiger beetle)
Beetles in the Bush: Habitat for Cicindela lengi lengi (blowout tiger beetle)
Beetles in the Bush: Cicindela scutellaris scutellaris (festive tiger beetle)
Beetles in the Bush: Cicindela denverensis (green claybank tiger beetle)
Beetles in the Bush: Cicindela denverensis (green claybank tiger beetle)
Beetles in the Bush: Cicindela denverensis (green claybank tiger beetle)
Beetles in the Bush: Cicindela purpurea audubonii (Audubon's tiger beetle) - green morph
Beetles in the Bush: Cicindela purpurea audubonii (Audubon's tiger beetle) - black morph