Beetles in the Bush:
Neobarrettia spinosa (red-eyed devil)
Beetles in the Bush:
Neobarrettia spinosa (red-eyed devil)
Beetles in the Bush:
Neobarrettia spinosa (red-eyed devil)
Beetles in the Bush:
Neobarrettia spinosa (red-eyed devil)
Beetles in the Bush:
Neobarrettia spinosa (red-eyed devil)
Beetles in the Bush:
Micrutalis calva
Beetles in the Bush:
Micrutalis calva
Beetles in the Bush:
Anax sp.
Beetles in the Bush:
Anax sp.
Beetles in the Bush:
Anax sp.
Beetles in the Bush:
Phymata sp.
Beetles in the Bush:
Phymata sp.
Beetles in the Bush:
Acmaeodera flavomarginata
Beetles in the Bush:
Undet. crab spider
Beetles in the Bush:
Undet. crab spider
Beetles in the Bush:
Acmaeodera flavomarginata
Beetles in the Bush:
Gratiana pallidula
Beetles in the Bush:
Gratiana pallidula