Shastrika Ellepola:
Waves of blue
Shastrika Ellepola:
That green bug.
Shastrika Ellepola:
Shades of Grey
Shastrika Ellepola:
Redefined Beauty
Shastrika Ellepola:
Life in it's purest form
Shastrika Ellepola:
Shastrika Ellepola:
Tea Estate-3
Shastrika Ellepola:
Layers and layers of blue
Shastrika Ellepola:
Shastrika Ellepola:
The hills of Sri Lanka
Shastrika Ellepola:
Lankan pride II
Shastrika Ellepola:
a moment..captured.
Shastrika Ellepola:
Portrait II
Shastrika Ellepola:
moonlit glow
Shastrika Ellepola:
A beautiful sunrise
Shastrika Ellepola:
the walk...
Shastrika Ellepola:
hold my hand..
Shastrika Ellepola:
The sea and the mist.
Shastrika Ellepola:
Shastrika Ellepola:
tropical atmosphere
Shastrika Ellepola:
Summer spikes
Shastrika Ellepola:
Dragonfly Stories III
Shastrika Ellepola:
Mother and child
Shastrika Ellepola:
Time and time again.
Shastrika Ellepola:
Kandy in black and white
Shastrika Ellepola:
Sacred Grace
Shastrika Ellepola:
Colors of Sri Lanka
Shastrika Ellepola:
Above and and Below
Shastrika Ellepola:
A busrt of Color
Shastrika Ellepola:
Vintage sorrows