gadgetgeek: Our wonderful Sky Club here in Atlanta
gadgetgeek: A view from the Sky Club
gadgetgeek: A view from the Sky Club
gadgetgeek: Delta all the way
gadgetgeek: Deanne and I at Heathow
gadgetgeek: First meal in the air
gadgetgeek: Mmmmmm puffy clouds at 35,000 feet up
gadgetgeek: At Heathrow, some booze for sale
gadgetgeek: One of the partner airlines with Delta
gadgetgeek: London countryside
gadgetgeek: In the air again after a long layover
gadgetgeek: Sunrise heading for Rome
gadgetgeek: At the Rome Hilton at the airport
gadgetgeek: Nice room, not exceptional
gadgetgeek: Great things in the lobby
gadgetgeek: A LONG walk over to pick up the car by the airport
gadgetgeek: Our first restaurant in Italy ..
gadgetgeek: Officina Del Mare
gadgetgeek: The Med.
gadgetgeek: More Med.
gadgetgeek: And still more
gadgetgeek: Me and the Mediterranian.
gadgetgeek: Our car for a couple days..
gadgetgeek: Hotel Breakfast day one.
gadgetgeek: The restaurant and the wonderful bread service and WINE
gadgetgeek: Our first bottle of wine in Italy
gadgetgeek: Our wine
gadgetgeek: Delicious fish dish on the sea
gadgetgeek: Fried small octopus
gadgetgeek: Statue of someone near our hotel.