gadgetgeek: Late evening reservation on Saturday at Etxebarre
gadgetgeek: We are there at Etxebarri restaurant
gadgetgeek: The Logo
gadgetgeek: She is deciding
gadgetgeek: Juice of carrot to start
gadgetgeek: Smoked butter and salted anchovy with bread
gadgetgeek: Burrata of Buffalo
gadgetgeek: Cockles in Pickle
gadgetgeek: Prawns from Palomas
gadgetgeek: Sea cumumber with green beans
gadgetgeek: Baby Octopus
gadgetgeek: Scrambled eggs with black truffle
gadgetgeek: Tartar of fresh Chorizo
gadgetgeek: Green peas in thier juice
gadgetgeek: Wife and lover
gadgetgeek: Mackerel and Arugula
gadgetgeek: Beef Chop (cooked on oak on their special grills)
gadgetgeek: reduced (smoked) milk with red fruit infusion
gadgetgeek: Soufle of chocolate
gadgetgeek: Soufle of Chocolate with that runny center
gadgetgeek: Our wine with dinner
gadgetgeek: Mignardise
gadgetgeek: Myself and Wesley one of the apprentice cooks
gadgetgeek: The oak woodpile
gadgetgeek: The grills, adjustable with the hand wheel
gadgetgeek: The coal-making ovens
gadgetgeek: The other view of the grills
gadgetgeek: Deanne and Wesley the apprentice cook/chef