gadgetgeek: The pits for the Rental Karts
gadgetgeek: One of the groups ready to race
gadgetgeek: And off they go into a wide-open left hander.
gadgetgeek: A great staff kept things in order with no chaos.
gadgetgeek: Just-a-gitten-it.
gadgetgeek: Another wave goes onto the track for a great session of speeding, sliding and racing
gadgetgeek: That #9 Kart was a monster, it was VERY fast.
gadgetgeek: racing for bragging rights
gadgetgeek: More good jousting
gadgetgeek: A Shelby GT...
gadgetgeek: Gosh who doesn't love a Ferrari
gadgetgeek: What a wonderful sound it makes
gadgetgeek: Okay, you get it.. I love it.. :-)
gadgetgeek: Some Porches and a Lambo in the back
gadgetgeek: Cumon me, win the lottery so I can have one of these
gadgetgeek: "Home of the 100 mph lunch"