gadgetgeek: Moving through the muddy field
gadgetgeek: Everyone is gathering
gadgetgeek: View of the final creek crossing
gadgetgeek: Heading to the finish line
gadgetgeek: Not sure if she wants to get wet
gadgetgeek: Divas staying warm pre-race
gadgetgeek: Wishing the heaters were at foot level
gadgetgeek: Getting a bib
gadgetgeek: Heading to the start line
gadgetgeek: Melissa added me to her team
gadgetgeek: We are ready
gadgetgeek: My new team
gadgetgeek: We can do it
gadgetgeek: The 10:45 Heat is roaring to go
gadgetgeek: At the Starting Line
gadgetgeek: It helps to have a friend
gadgetgeek: Cold but it does clean the mud from your shoes
gadgetgeek: Slippery entry into the water