gadgetgeek: Porterhouse (Choice)
gadgetgeek: side #2 Porterhouse (Choice)
gadgetgeek: Porterhouse (Choice) Side 2 wiped clean
gadgetgeek: A good rub of real garlic, a dusting of pepper
gadgetgeek: The side with rubbed garlic and the Dizzy Pig Rub on it.
gadgetgeek: Those coals are just right for a quick sear.
gadgetgeek: Toss it on and wait for 2 minutes and 30 seconds
gadgetgeek: turn it at 3/4 of a minute to give it nice grill marks
gadgetgeek: Turn it at under 3 minutes and set the timer for 2 min-30 sec.
gadgetgeek: Then let that steak rest on the cool end of the grill