gadgetgeek: She is a loose pig and enjoying the neigbors grass
gadgetgeek: Yes she was smiling at us, but also talking to her youngsters
gadgetgeek: So under the fence she went
gadgetgeek: There in the distance are two litters of baby pigs
gadgetgeek: Momma went over to have a word with her litter
gadgetgeek: They all layed down and she went on about her business
gadgetgeek: Close up shot of her litter of young swine
gadgetgeek: Laying in the noon-day sun
gadgetgeek: A pen with some young teenage pigs
gadgetgeek: A pen with some young teenage pigs
gadgetgeek: They are a curious lot
gadgetgeek: See the wattles hanging off of their chin area?
gadgetgeek: Husky and healthy looking but safe in the pen
gadgetgeek: We tossed in some grass that they loved
gadgetgeek: More wattle shots
gadgetgeek: Aha, a boar and his afternoon delight.
gadgetgeek: She just woke up, didn't fix her hair, or nuthin.
gadgetgeek: She obviously didn't want company
gadgetgeek: More Blacks off in a different pasture.