gadgetgeek: Main Grandstand - start finish line
gadgetgeek: Main Grandstand - start finish line
gadgetgeek: Main Grandstand - start finish line
gadgetgeek: Main Grandstand - start finish line
gadgetgeek: Walking around the track clockwise from the main grandstand
gadgetgeek: Walking around the track clockwise from the main grandstand
gadgetgeek: just past turn 19 looking toward turn 19
gadgetgeek: My son Todd in the throng of folks
gadgetgeek: just past turn 19 looking toward turn 19
gadgetgeek: The stage in the Grand Plaza
gadgetgeek: Looking at the un-named U-shaped turn by the tower (I think)
gadgetgeek: Looking up at the end of turn 1 and that downhill to turn 2
gadgetgeek: They sure look good.
gadgetgeek: Still looking back at Turn #1, it was great to see the cars unwind down that hill toward turn #2
gadgetgeek: Peeking under the fence on the pedestrian bridge
gadgetgeek: In the in-beween land between the pedestrian crossovers
gadgetgeek: Okay, I like the tower
gadgetgeek: Walking toward pedestrian crossover #2 headed for turn 3/4/5/6
gadgetgeek: Turn #2
gadgetgeek: telephoto of the tower
gadgetgeek: support race - this was practice for the GP Legends race
gadgetgeek: support race - this was practice for the GP Legends race
gadgetgeek: support race - this was practice for the GP Legends race
gadgetgeek: Fine looking Ferrari trucks
gadgetgeek: support race - this was practice for the GP Legends race
gadgetgeek: I'm sure there will be grass a-plenty by next years race, this year is was sortof clunky dirt
gadgetgeek: My son, my partner
gadgetgeek: Lens envy