gadgetgeek: Hatch Chiles from New Mexico
gadgetgeek: Hatch Chiles from New Mexico on the Big Green Egg
gadgetgeek: Hatch Chiles from New Mexico
gadgetgeek: Hatch Chiles from New Mexico roasting on the Big Green Egg
gadgetgeek: Hatch Chiles from New Mexico roasting on the Big Green Egg
gadgetgeek: Hatch Chiles from New Mexico roasting on the Big Green Egg
gadgetgeek: Hatch Chiles from New Mexico roasting on the Big Green Egg
gadgetgeek: Hatch Chiles from New Mexico roasting on the Big Green Egg
gadgetgeek: Hatch Chiles from New Mexico roasting on the Big Green Egg
gadgetgeek: Hatch Chiles from New Mexico steaming in a triple Trader Joe's bag