gadgetgeek: The Vacuum chamber (the small one) for the pork
gadgetgeek: Pork 125º internal temp
gadgetgeek: Good slow, coolish smoke
gadgetgeek: The potatoes drying - getting ready for the skillet
gadgetgeek: The BIG pan out for the spuds
gadgetgeek: The KIngs Kooker ready to rock
gadgetgeek: Getting the pan ready for the spuds
gadgetgeek: Two close friends of mine
gadgetgeek: Ready for Steaks
gadgetgeek: 2 minutes per side to mark them and sear them
gadgetgeek: 3 minutes on high will get the pan where it needs to be
gadgetgeek: Nice night for grilling out..
gadgetgeek: Kings Kooker with both rings lit
gadgetgeek: Pre-cooked Potatoes will only take a couple minutes
gadgetgeek: Nicely rested steak
gadgetgeek: Rested until it didn't bleed out
gadgetgeek: Potatoes done crisp and salted