gadgetgeek: The Simpsons and all of us kids
gadgetgeek: The Simpsons and Deanne and Cassie
gadgetgeek: HoopMaster Bobby..
gadgetgeek: Sign time... That is not me with the yellow face.
gadgetgeek: Lining up for the sign picture
gadgetgeek: Lining up for the sign picture
gadgetgeek: Serving us the good stuff... Wonderful salad BTW...
gadgetgeek: I wanted three plates full...
gadgetgeek: testing (someone had to do it)
gadgetgeek: Cassie and the Q...
gadgetgeek: Cassie and the Q... Good bite
gadgetgeek: Teaching her to be a carnivore
gadgetgeek: Spong Bob Squarpants car.. with a fan at the wheel
gadgetgeek: Spong Bob Squarpants car.. with a fan at the wheel
gadgetgeek: I really wanted a truck like this when I was in High School
gadgetgeek: Out front of Relics and Rarities in Decatur