gadgetgeek: The Pool at the Huntington on Nob Hill
gadgetgeek: The Pool at the Huntington on Nob Hill
gadgetgeek: Moulin Cafe - a good, solid breakfast spot on Geary and Polk (I think?)
gadgetgeek: Looking back East toward the bay from out on the Avenues
gadgetgeek: The name says it all.. I didn't eat there, but it looked cool, and is right next to the Pacific
gadgetgeek: Interesting park and trees, all leaning toward the wind and water
gadgetgeek: Good trees... I'm sure you'all have seen thes a thousand times, but I haven't, & I like 'em
gadgetgeek: Good trees... I'm sure you'all have seen thes a thousand times, but I haven't, & I like 'em
gadgetgeek: Good trees... I'm sure you'all have seen thes a thousand times, but I haven't, & I like 'em
gadgetgeek: The park at the end of Geary. That is the foggy Pacific Ocean
gadgetgeek: delete me
gadgetgeek: Save our dunes.
gadgetgeek: Cliff front and the trees
gadgetgeek: Not a seal in sight, on Seal rock/rocks
gadgetgeek: Not a seal in sight, on Seal rock/rocks
gadgetgeek: Cliff House camera obscura
gadgetgeek: This tells it better than I could
gadgetgeek: Yes, those are surfers, not seals.
gadgetgeek: Seal Rock ( I guess ) ?
gadgetgeek: Looking South toward Mexico from the Seal Rock area
gadgetgeek: Looking South toward Mexico from the Seal Rock area
gadgetgeek: Not too much of a hill, (he said panting and huffing)
gadgetgeek: The fog would lift for a few minutes and then cover it all over again
gadgetgeek: I came very close to renting one of these cute little things.. But then I would have had no exercise
gadgetgeek: Looking East at the skyline from way out on Geary
gadgetgeek: Khan Toke ( I just love the name )
gadgetgeek: Ton Kiang for GOOD Dim Sum out on Geary
gadgetgeek: Good Sushi, good looking Japanese fare
gadgetgeek: Lucky Fortune on Geary
gadgetgeek: New World Market