gadgetgeek: Ready with the Small Weber
gadgetgeek: Ready with the Small Weber
gadgetgeek: A bit of char, before the cover goes on
gadgetgeek: About 1 1/2 minutes with the cover on
gadgetgeek: Flip 'em quick, and leave the top open for at least 2 minutes.
gadgetgeek: At the end of the 2 minutes.
gadgetgeek: Cover for about 2-3 minutes.
gadgetgeek: One more turn for lamburgers
gadgetgeek: Getting a bit more char on the first side
gadgetgeek: Okay, enough of that charring...!
gadgetgeek: All flames go out under this good grill cover
gadgetgeek: I let them rest a bit on the no-charcoal end of the grill
gadgetgeek: Brought inside.. Total time on the grill, less than 7 minutes
gadgetgeek: Just sneaking up on 134º, perfect.