piningforthewest: Crocuses 1
piningforthewest: Crocuses 2
piningforthewest: Snowdrops
piningforthewest: Pulmonaria
piningforthewest: Yellow Daffodils
piningforthewest: narcissus
piningforthewest: hellebore
piningforthewest: a pink primula
piningforthewest: a double primula
piningforthewest: euphorbia 'Fireglow' stalks
piningforthewest: a primula
piningforthewest: acer + honesty
piningforthewest: acer + primula
piningforthewest: honesty + pieris
piningforthewest: Apple and quince
piningforthewest: Rhoddy, apple and quince blossom
piningforthewest: Tulip, yew and kerria japonica
piningforthewest: Pieris and holly etc
piningforthewest: Silver birch and choisya
piningforthewest: Rhododendron 2
piningforthewest: Rhododendron 1
piningforthewest: Peony rose
piningforthewest: Oriental poppy
piningforthewest: a collapsing poppy
piningforthewest: Cranesbill - geraniums
piningforthewest: A day lily
piningforthewest: A general view
piningforthewest: Peony rose and aquilegia