ruxandrabp: A beautiful day to wander in the #countryside #kirkkonummi #finland (a warm 12 oC to change from the snow)
ruxandrabp: Hyvää Vappua! Gladda Wappen! It was velebration day tossu In #finland. To this occasion, our kids prepared #tippaleipä Well done!
ruxandrabp: #Sea #diamonds: sunny #helsinki
ruxandrabp: #frozen #nature #patinoire celeste #helsinki #nofilter
ruxandrabp: #patinoire celeste #helsinki the surface of the #helsinki bay partially frozen. A natural #ice #hall
ruxandrabp: Icy #bay #helsinki morning of #fire
ruxandrabp: #morning of #fire #helsinki #seurasaari
ruxandrabp: #morning of #fire with #swans #helsinki
ruxandrabp: #morning of #fire #helsinki
ruxandrabp: Avancer dans la #nuit #cheval #night #horseriding
ruxandrabp: #Helsinki city hall
ruxandrabp: #horseriding it's now! #kirkkonummi #ratsutilawikner
ruxandrabp: #helsinki #nofilter it is dark #sea
ruxandrabp: #woodpecker in the tempest #rajasaari #helsinki #tikka
ruxandrabp: Est-ce un roc, un pic, une peninsule? Non, c'est un #cygne #joutsen #swan #helsinki les jeux de l'hiver #winter
ruxandrabp: The frozen #sea in #rajasaari #helsinki - and right now a #snow #tempest We chill out!
ruxandrabp: #Hillary ou Donald? Hillary est une femme contemporaine et intelligente qui s'est beaucoup battue pour ses idees. Ce livre publie en 2001 nous parle d'ine feme qui quoi qu'elle fasse est haie parce qu'a l'epoque, c'est elle qui bouscoulait les codes et ch
ruxandrabp: #Pihlajamarja #rowanberry in the #snow #walk #helsinki it's all so beautiful! let's dream this #winter
ruxandrabp: Vamos a la #playa #helsinki therr is #snow now!
ruxandrabp: Beautiful #tradition from #latinoamerica la #mesa para las almas, a way to remember those you lost by inviting them for a meal on 1st November. This is a quite minimalist version I improvised while in Kittilä #lapland. To my grandmothers with #love
ruxandrabp: #halloween : we're set! #pumpkin #ghost #carrotcake
ruxandrabp: Saw an #owl walking our dog this morning #espoo #lintuvaara
ruxandrabp: Les feuilles mortes se ramassent a la pelle #automne #nature #art #helsinki
ruxandrabp: #martimoaapa in the #mist #lapland
ruxandrabp: Ray of #sun in the #mist #lapland #kittilä
ruxandrabp: #Car racing against #reindeers : always drive carefully, esp. In #lapland
ruxandrabp: #snow blossom #kittilä #lapland first flurries in #levi
ruxandrabp: Rhythm of the #swamps #lapland
ruxandrabp: In the #mist #lapland
ruxandrabp: #monahatoum #kiasma #helsinki do not miss! Opens 7th Oct.