Starg1rl: I was editing. Then this happened and I had to go to sleep before I laughed myself to death.
Starg1rl: Please..Save Me
Starg1rl: That Girl In The Mirror...
Starg1rl: She Blinded Me with Science~
Starg1rl: Fuck You, You're a Fucking Wanker~
Starg1rl: We Signed Our Lives Away~
Starg1rl: Can't You See I'm Easily Bothered By Persistence?~
Starg1rl: "If I Live, I Will Kill You, If I Die, You Are Forgiven"~
Starg1rl: The Blood's On The Wall~
Starg1rl: Smashing Your Brains Tonight~
Starg1rl: DollTober Day 4: Freeze~
Starg1rl: DollTober Day 5: Build~
Starg1rl: Family Photo 2019~
Starg1rl: Now On PullipAvenue: Death~
Starg1rl: Quick! Before Someone Comes Back!~
Starg1rl: F*ck It, Gimme a Hammer~