outinthesticks: Classic Americana :)
outinthesticks: Dandelion sunshine
outinthesticks: Hellebore
outinthesticks: Native Dogwood leaves
outinthesticks: Forget me not...
outinthesticks: Spring has Sprung!
outinthesticks: Trout Lily Hybrid
outinthesticks: More Cool Fritillaria
outinthesticks: Red Trillium is back!
outinthesticks: Viburnum blooming
outinthesticks: More viburnum blooms
outinthesticks: Sessile bellwort, a bit lovelier than it's name!
outinthesticks: The False Hellebore (formerly thought to be skunk cabbage) has been growing too :)
outinthesticks: ...spring...
outinthesticks: ...came out...
outinthesticks: ...for my birthday!!
outinthesticks: Coming up all over
outinthesticks: Scilla in bloom
outinthesticks: Pretty little waterfalls
outinthesticks: Bridge in reverse
outinthesticks: False Hellebore is sprouting up too!
outinthesticks: What comes between Winter and Spring?! Mud season!!!
outinthesticks: A white Easter is not nearly so nice as a white Christmas!
outinthesticks: Super-Local Garlic :)
outinthesticks: Landlocked Sea Anemone?!
outinthesticks: Sprouting Sedum
outinthesticks: Spring, spring, spring!!
outinthesticks: I will soon be the first Daffodil of Spring
outinthesticks: Jacob's ladder
outinthesticks: As the snow melts...