gryphon569: "Suffer little children to come unto me"
gryphon569: Suffer little children to come unto me
gryphon569: "Suffer little children to come unto me"
gryphon569: Christ blessing the children
gryphon569: Jesus said: Let the Children Come to me!
gryphon569: Christ blessing the children
gryphon569: "Christ blessing little children"
gryphon569: "For of such is the kingdom of Heaven"
gryphon569: "For of such is the kingdom of Heaven"
gryphon569: Church of St John the Baptist, Harleston, Norfolk
gryphon569: "Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not"
gryphon569: "Suffer little children to come unto me"
gryphon569: Sunday School banner, dated 1903
gryphon569: "Suffer the little children ..."
gryphon569: Christ blessing the children
gryphon569: Christ blessing the children