gryphon569: The East Gate
gryphon569: East and North towers
gryphon569: East Tower
gryphon569: North and Gatehouse towers
gryphon569: Gatehouse Tower
gryphon569: Gatehouse
gryphon569: ... So just think what it was like for the prisoners!
gryphon569: View from the walls
gryphon569: The Inner Bailey
gryphon569: Ruins of the keep
gryphon569: Pile of catapult stones
gryphon569: The Pevensey Cannon
gryphon569: Oubliette?
gryphon569: Interior of Gatehouse Tower
gryphon569: South Curtain Tower
gryphon569: 3rd-century Roman walls
gryphon569: Roman tower
gryphon569: Part of 3rd-century Roman wall